Only for Poptropicans! Is that you? Well? WELL?! TELL ME!

Well then JOIN IT!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Ok seriously, go check out Poptropica! On the home page, below it says 'Mythology island coming soon!' Awesome. Ok, then check the Poptropica store for a sweet new item, the lightning staff! (It should have been a lightning bolt) Anyway, I also added a new feature on the blog, pages. Just under the title there should be a a box, which, in the box are words, or in this case links, and when you click on them you visit a new page on whatever the word said. Ok that's it for today, bye.


Monday, March 15, 2010


Well, the Creators have made a new post which, is a goat/boy with horns. (I think)
If you have noticed, some of the creators have been making posts on a mythology topic. (Mythology Island? I hope) Here's a list of mythology related posts.
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