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It's Great Pumpkin Island!
Great Pumpkin Island is a short, easy Halloween quest, the 15th island in Poptropica. It is based on the Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schulz, and opened on October 14, 2010. (Early Access to paid monthly members on September 30.) * This solution contains spoilers.*

Arrive on the Island


You must leave and return if you are viewing the Sneak Preview, which drops you into the Pumpkin Patch. Main Street for the island contains a multiplayer room (the Flying Ace Cafe), the Van Pelt house (Lucy and Linus), Violet's House, and a Peanuts merchandise store. It is unclear if this island will host the regular ad-games from other sponsors. To the right is the Pumpkin Patch and to the left is Charlie Brown's back yard.

Talk to Charlie Brown, who is happy to have gotten an invitation to the night's Halloween Party. Lucy is leaving her house to see Linus at the Pumpkin Patch. Pigpen is on the sidewalk, and needs a bag to go trick-or-treating.

You will play short challenges to advance (in boldface below).

At the Pumpkin Patch

1. Big pumpkin : Linus is awaiting the evening and the arrival of the Great Pumpkin. Lucy is there to get a large pumpkin for a jack'o'lantern. The first challenge is to determine which of the pumpkins is the heaviest, using the seesaw balance. Put one on either side and leave the heavier of each pair on the beam. Before time runs out, hand the heaviest to Lucy.
2. Pumpkin Roll : Lucy wants you to take it home for her, and Linus offers you a reward (his treat bag). Roll the pumpkin through the hazards, and keep trying until you succeed. Don't roll it too fast over bumps, or over rabbit hills when they stick their heads up. Get some speed to go through the hollow tree bridge. At the swing set, you must stop as close as possible to the first kid, then very quickly cross all three when they swing to the back. The wobbly pumpkin is nearly impossible to stop between swings.

At the Van Pelt House

1. Take the bag from Linus and give it to Pigpen, who will give you a lemon-flavored sucker. Give this to Linus and he will give you his party invitation.

In Charlie Brown's Yard

1. Leaf Blowing - Go right to the trees in Charlie Brown's backyard. At the far left is Snoopy and his doghouse. Help Snoopy get 5 leaves into the leaf pile - use his breath to puff and keep them in the air as they fall from the tree at the far right. Waft each leaf left to the pile.
2. Linus arrives and jumps into the leaves, scattering them.
3. Blanket Find - After he leaves, uncover the leaves to find his blanket. Follow him as he mails his gift list to the "Great Pumpkin".
4. Back to the right in the yard, Lucy is preparing to trick Charlie Brown with the football. When she offers a signed agreement, offer him the Pen to sign. She nonetheless pulls the football away and he falls.
5. Pick up the football and go right. Toss it into the tree to uncover Snoopy's "flying ace" helmet and goggles. He climbs aboard his doghouse to fly into a World War I adventure.
6. Red Baron - You must survive damage from attacks by the Red Baron, who will shoot and bomb you as you fly. If you are not shot down within a minute, you proceed to the next scene. You can elude the Baron for awhile by flying upside down at the top of the screen. When bombs fall, fly away, not under them.
7. Enemy Lines - When the searchlight comes right, hide behind the rock. As it moves right, then left, it passes and you can rush right, to the trench. From there you will go to another rock, across to the haystack, behind a road marker, into the river, and behind a bush next to the house. The last step is the hardest : jump to the roof and hide behind the chimney.
8. As you pass the Scarecrow, stop and take its mask, and put it on. When you enter the damaged house, you are actually at Violet's party. You ill compete in three games and some pumpkin art.

At the Halloween Party

1. Bobbing for Apples - There is a large tub of water, in which apples surface at a regular schedule. Click on an apple when it pops up, until you catch all 6. Do not miss more than three times or you must start over.
2. Carving the Jack-o'-Lantern - A large pumpkin is carved by first drawing the shapes on the back of Charlie Brown's head. Draw eyes, nose, mouth and other features. Any face is acceptable.
3. Pin on the Face - A jack-o'-lantern floats around, then stops and the lights go out. You have to paste the eyes, nose, mouth, and pumpkin stem as close as possible to where they actually are. One or two tries should get close enough. (hint : the eyes are pointier toward the nose)
4. Player Piano - The moving dots show you how to play the music that Schroeder is performing. As the dots move toward the keyboard, they enter a small row of grid squares. As each dot enters its square, press the key directly below. If your timing and aim is correct, you will play the song. Each correctly timed note moves the sliding bar at right, so you must get enough notes right to pass the song test. Otherwise, try again.

Trick-or-Treat House to House

1. When you finish the four games, the kids leave the party "later that night" to go trick-or-treating. As you go from house to house, you must ring the doorbell, then try to grab the candy as it is thrown. The original game calls for you to grab two or more types of candy, one at each of two houses. After four houses, you leave the group.
2. Return to the Pumpkin Patch and share the candy with Sally and Linus. As Linus waits expectantly, a large pumpkin begins to rise from the patch. Unfortunately, it is only a pumpkin being lifted by Snoopy. Sally leaves, mad at Linus for spoiling her trick-or-treat chances.
3. Much later in the night. Lucy arrives to pick up a tired and shivering Linus, and awards you the Island Medallion and a full 100 credits.
4. You can check on Schroeder, Lucy, Linus, Charlie Brown, and Snoopy at their final positions in the game.

Counterfeit Island!
Arrive on Counterfeit island. Go to the top right of the inn and get dragon drawing. Go downtown and get a green balloon at clown store. Go to countryside and give the crying boy the balloon.(Yes that was supposed to happen) Go left to downtown and burrow in trash cans to find some tickets. Go to Internet Cafe at main street. Talk to old man and give him the tickets. He should give you them. Go take the tour. In the underground dome during tour get Another dragon piece. Exit at the docks and talk to Mr. Shady (Nickname). He tells you about the museum and the job and say yes. Find two more dragon pieces behind the boat. Go to museum and on the roof is another dragon piece. Enter museum and apply for the job. Mix and match the paintings and the take the tutorial. Finish the tutorial and get the supply room key. Go get the last dragon piece in the supply room. Leave the museum. It's night and many shops are closed. Go to the docks where you met Shady and go in the tunnel Find the insignia and insert the picture from the dragon in to the insignia. This opens the secret door to the supply room. Sneak out under the window without getting caught. Hide behind the statues, so the lasers don't you. Find the Scream picture and climb above it on the lamp to guard it. Oops! you were caught. Wake up in jail and take the test to prove you are guilty. Go find the missing security guard at the clown store. Get his time card. Go back to the security room in the museum. Watch the surveillance tape and you find Mr. Shady trying to steal it. Print it out. Show the picture to the mime in downtown. He whistles and he means go to the jazz cafe. Go to the far right of the cafe and chase Shady on a scooter. He gets away but he drops the black widow key card. Pick it up. Go to the museum. Talk to the Man on the right and he gives you a package. Go to Early Poptropica in the art museum. Talk to the Curator (girl). She gives you a key. Go to the countryside back at counterfeit. Go to the house and use the key! Go to the top and peel the fake painting. Oops! You get caught. You wake up tied with Mr. Shady. The Detective is the black widow!? Scoot over to Shady (click and drag mouse) and he unties you. Dodge through the lair and the key the big door with the black widow key card. Now, You have to crank Shady up but not let the damage repairs go over 1 million. When Mr. Shady is cranked up, he bumps BW down. Exit the lair and find the Curator, who gives you the island medallion!

Mythology Island!

1. Enter Mythology Island at Olympus Village (Main Street) and go to the Museum of Olympus. There you will see the story of the rivalry of the gods and learn to identify some of the gods and goddesses of Olympus. At the statue of Poseidon, take the Starfish from its face.
2. Go right to the Grove of Temples, and enter the Temple of the Muses. At its far end, get a Reed Pipe and go to the statue of Euterpe, muse of music. She will test you, then teach you a song that can calm the underworld beast Cerberus.
3. Go back left to Olympus Village, and left again to the forest with the Tree of Immortality. Climb the steps and up into the branches.
4. Climb the serpents and bounce upwards on the mushrooms, to reach the Satyr at the upper right. Collect 10 of the honey pots in 60 seconds and he will show you the way to the Golden Apple.
5. Zeus angrily appears, but offers you immortality if you retrieve 5 sacred items for him from the realms of creatures and gods. As listed on the Sacred Items Scroll, they are : a flower from the garden of the Sphinx, the ring from the nose of the Minotaur, a scale from the Hydra, a giant pearl, and a whisker from Cerberus, guardian creature of the underworld.
6. Leaving the tree, you meet the goddess Athena, Zeus's daughter, who warns you that Zeus may have secret motives. She arranges for you to use the olive trees as a source of information.
7. Go left across the bridge to the Garden of the Sphinx. You will have to open the aqueduct switches and push down the two wooden gates to start the water flowing again. Collect the rare flower and pick pomegranates from the tree above the Sphinx.
8. Use the Reed Pipe at left, playing the eight colored notes on the wheel that opens the Minotaur cave. (blue-blue-green-yellow-yellow-red-blue-green)
9. Go in and speak to the Minotaur, and enter his Cave Maze. (Athena gives you a glowing thread to keep you from getting lost.) Head for the weapons displays to keep on track. At the Pan bones, remove the bones so that the remaining ones spell out the letters TEN. Jump the scorpion in the pit. Click the red-eyed snake when it appears, three times (hard to spot only that snake - takes some practice).
10. Take the Minotaur ring and go back right, to Olympus Village. At the Hero Hut, you can ask Hercules for help, but he is uncooperative. Go right, past the Grove of Temples to the lairs of Hades (below) and Poseidon (far right). You can play these in either order, but Poseidon first is easier.
11. Enter the lair and place the Starfish on the altar to the right.
12. Go through and cross the beach to meet Aphrodite, Athena's sister goddess. Pass her test to get a magic mirror that allows speedy travel throughout the realm. (The gods are Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Hestia.)
13. Dive into the underground cave in the lake. There are extra oxygen bubbles, but the direct path is across the top, then down the right side, and left along the bottom. Before entering the Hydra cave, go up a bit to recover the Giant Pearl.
14. Battle the Hydra : when each head stabs out at you, jump up and land on top of it. Swim below to get the scale from it. Exit using the mirror to reach Aphrodite (heart symbol), and walk back right to go to Hades.
15. At the realm of Hades, earn a drachma from the worker by cleaning some graffiti from the outside of the building.
16. Enter and place the pomegranates on the altar on the right, which opens the door to the realm of Hades. Jump right into the chasm to reach the River Styx.
17. On the river ride, avoid the deadly attacks, which will always include one falling stalactite, one flaming skull, and one river monster. Move forward or back to dodge the falling rocks, duck or jump the flaming skull, and jump the river monster.
18. Reaching the shore, use the Reed Pipe and song (blue-green-yellow-blue-red-green) to lull Cerberus and get a whisker from it. (You cannot move the large rock blocking the Throne Room.) Use the mirror to return to the Mount Olympus gate.
19. Now that you have all five items, head left to the forest again, where Athena will meet you and you must assemble the Sacred Items to reveal their secret message ("Whoever wields the five sacred objects will rule all of Poptropica"). Zeus arrives and steals the objects from you, and Athena urges you to get Hercules to finally help. He agrees and you go to the Hades throne room using the mirror.
20. Hercules moves the rock, and Hades gives you his crown to use to battle Zeus.
21. Use the mirror to travel to the Poseidon lake. Underwater, Hercules opens the rock passage to the Throne Room, and Poseidon gives you his trident.
22. Use the mirror to return to the Mount Olympus gate, where Hercules smashes open the padlock.
23. On the mountain, Hercules encounters Medusa and is petrified into a stone statue.
24. Use the drachma to buy a wind bag from Aeolus at his Wind Wagon. Use it to go upward, then climb the mountainside to reach Zeus's throne. Lighting the four statues will summon him for the final battle.
25. The Hades crown and Poseidon's trident allow you to fly about as you and Zeus trade thunderbolt attacks. Hit Zeus and his health meter will go down. If he hits you, you lose power, as indicated by the pink clouds that hold you up. If you lose them all, you will fall, and you will have to start over. Gather the little pink clouds as you fly, to replenish the larger cloud.
26. Like Betty Jetty on Super Power island, Zeus will eventually begin to glow and throw spinning white energy balls at you, and you must avoid them as well as the bolts. He is only vulnerable to your attacks when he is not glowing.
27. After 6 to 10 sets of balls, you should have hit him enough to win the battle. Zeus returns the sacred items to you, and Athena gives you the Island Medallion.

You can revisit Hades, Poseidon, and even Cerberus and Styx (the river ride has hazards only one way). But Hydra is down for the count, Zeus is not seen again and Hercules remains a statue. The kid atop the Midas Gym is a fan.

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