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Sunday, September 13, 2009


I got two ferrets! A boy and a girl, the boy is Godzilla and the girl is Phione. I took them for a walk today. It's sad they only wake up like every two hours JUST to go to the bathroom witch takes only 30 seconds then they pass out again.LOL its funny. They are very behaved during the day but at night... CHAOS! (that's what cages are for. :D) And there's a new add in poptropica!( i haven't even beaten it yet) But it cloudy with a chance of meatballs! And i wanna show you my new avatar. Since I am like a binary bard fan I copied his look!(sorry Binary)


  1. Are Ferrets dangerous? Can they bite you? I am thinking about getting a pet, but can't get a dog which is what I want.

  2. I want to know if ferrets are good pets to have. Do they bite. Do they make a bad mess. I wish I could get a dog, but I can't where I live.


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